Message from TFGM: Planning Department
Dear Parents / Carers and Students
we have received the following message from the planning department at TFGM:
Over recent weeks, the industry wide shortage of bus drivers has seen an increasing challenge to maintain service provision. Whilst operators have managed so far to maintain service, unfortunately the shortage of drivers at Belle Vue has now got to a point where TfGM are having to temporarily change some of our school services.
The second morning journey on the 772 will therefore be revised to start at Sale Grammar (as it will link with one of their journeys) and operate via Brooklands Road to school. In the afternoon, both 772s will be re-timed to depart 2 minutes earlier, again to allow links to be made with other school journeys. It is planned that these changes will take effect from Tuesday 2 November. Full details are attached.
Apologies for the inconvenience and we hope that we can revert to previous timetables in the future.
We have attached the updated schedule for the 772, along with the current timetables for information. Please note that the two 772 buses no longer have identical stops.
TFGM have also confirmed that the service will not be shared with Sale Grammar, only the route has changed.
If you have any concerns regarding these changes, please contact TFGM and/or Belle Vue:
TFGM Customer Relations:
Belle Vue:
Altrincham College
*Further information about AC's school buses can be found here.