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Duke of Edinburgh Award

Bronze and Gold Award

What is the DofE?

The Duke of Edinburgh programme is a real adventure. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from, you just need to be aged between 14 and 24.

The programme is the worlds leading achievement award for young people and is highly regarded by employers and universities.

The benefits for students who take part in the programme include:

  • Self-belief and self-confidence;
  • A sense of identity and responsibility;
  • Independence of thought and action;
  • Respect and understanding;
  • Awareness of strengths and weaknesses.

The programme is offered at three levels: Bronze (aged 14+) Silver (aged 15+) Gold (aged 16+).

Here at Altrincham College, we offer the DofE programme at two levels:
  • Bronze Award - Year 10 (KS4)
  • Silver Award - Year 12 & 13 (KS5)
  • Gold Award - Year 12 & 13 (KS5)

We are immensely proud of the success of our DofE programme.  Currently, the average pass rate (nationwide) is 50%, however for Altrincham College, this is approximately 90%, which is a credit to the support and guidance system in place.

For more information, please visit the Bronze and Silver Award pages.  Alternatively contact Mr Stephenson, who will be happy to answer any queries.