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Attitude to Learning

Attitude to Learning

Every student at Altrincham College is encouraged to fulfil their potential, with their attitude to learning playing a key role in determining their future success.

We expect all students to demonstrate a high level of commitment both in the classroom and at home, with each teacher providing an 'Attitude to Learning' level as detailed below. 

The attitudinal score represents achievement across all subject areas, and each comment is assigned a score between 1 and 4 (4 being the best). These points are collated for each subject and are then converted to a final percentage score.


GOLD AWARD 95% or above
SILVER AWARD 90% to 94%
BRONZE AWARD 80% to 89%

Certificates and prizes are awarded to students based on their Attitude to Learning score at the end of each term, with those who consistently receive Gold Awards throughout the academic year, presented with a Platinum Award.

For more information regarding certificates and prizes, please visit our Rewards page!

KS4 & KS5 Predicted Grades 

Predicted grades indicate the most likely outcome at the end of Year 11 or Year 13, based on current assessments and general attitude to learning.

Each grade has a number ranging from 1-3 next to it, which indicates;


Secure at this grade.

With further effort and support may achieve the next grade up.

2 Most likely to achieve this grade.

Insecure at this grade.

Without further effort and support may be at risk of achieving the grade below.

In some Vocational Subjects e.g. BTEC's, the grades awarded are Pass (P) Merit (M) Distinction (D) with the numbers 1-3 as discussed above.

However, in these cases the L1 or L2 at the start, also indicates whether the grade achieved will be Level 1 (GCSE Equivalent D-G) or Level 2 (GCSE equivalent A*-C).

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