Introduction to the Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is a government initiative aimed at providing additional funding to schools in order to help close gaps in achievement between children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or have been in the last six years, for children 'Looked After’ (CLA) and other groups of students, such as children of service personnel.
Across schools in England, there is strong evidence to suggest that the achievement of students in these groups is unacceptably low compared to their peers, and it is the school who is responsible for closing this achievement gap, with the support of the Government, in the form of funding.
Ofsted have placed great emphasis on the performance of students who receive the Pupil Premium, with the use and impact of the pupil premium taken into account when considering Ofsted judgements for both Achievement and Leadership & Management.
Please download the document at the bottom of the page for full details on how Pupil Premium is allocated, including specific initiatives and impact.
Statement of Intent
As an inclusive academy, our intention is to provide an aspirational learning environment with outstanding teaching and learning. We aim to ensure that every child progresses socially and academically and is not left behind because of disadvantage. We strive to ensure high expectations, raise lifelong aspirations and focus on removing barriers to learning and achieving excellence. Our Pupil Premium Plan addresses the main challenges our students face and through the highest standards of teaching, rigorous assessment and tracking, detailed planning, targeted support and intervention, provides all students with access to the best opportunities for a well-rounded education with academic success.
This strategy aspires to:
- Improve the attainment and progress of our disadvantaged students.
- Improve the attendance of our disadvantaged students.
- Improve the reading comprehension and oral literacy skills for targeted students.
- Invest in the wellbeing of all our students and particularly disadvantaged students.
How is the funding used:
We carefully ring-fence Pupil Premium funding to ensure it is always allocated towards the target group of students. We use research evidence, such as the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), combined with our own evidence to establish spending priorities.
It is important to the Academy that we close the gaps in achievement, whilst at the same time improving the performance of all students.
The three-year Pupil Premium Strategy will next be reviewed in July 2025.