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Careers Department

About us

Welcome to the Careers Department!

Hannah Mitchelmore is the Careers and Enterprise Coordinator. Businesses, employers, employees, teachers, training providers, we are looking to further develop our already fantastic career provision for our 11-18 year olds at Altrincham College. If you could deliver a career talk or workshop, deliver an assembly, provide an interview skills workshop, be an interviewer at our mock interview day, have a stand at our careers fair, provide site visits, work placements or any other career and enterprise related activity. 

Please contact 

Eleanor Willett is our Careers Adviser at Altrincham College.  Eleanor is in school on Tuesday and Friday and she is based in the Connexions Room in the Sixth Form LRC.

Eleanor works for Trafford Connexions, a service providing advice, guidance, information, support and development for 13-19 year olds.

Trafford Connexions has been accredited the Matrix Quality Standard for Careers Information Advice and Guidance.

"Pupils benefit from very effective careers education, information, advice and guidance."(Ofsted 2017)

The main areas of work that we carry out in school are
1:1 careers guidance interviews Helping students explore their skills, abilities and interests and to identify appropriate progression routes after leaving school.
Motivational interviews To enable students to aspire to reach their full potential in terms of achieving qualifications and progress onto further/higher education or into employment.
Provision of up-to-date information on Further and higher education courses
Qualifications e.g. A-levels, BTEC and degree courses
Apprenticeships including higher and degree apprenticeships
Voluntary work and work experience opportunities
Group work activities Year 9 - help with option choices
Years 10 and 11 - Post 16 options (6th form, apprenticeships or college
Years 12 and 13 –Post 18 options (university, apprenticeships or taking a year out.)
Introduction to Careers software and resources e.g. eClip
Help with Applying for apprenticeships
Compiling CVs
Completing application forms
Practice interviews
Looking for part-time work
Attendance at Year 9 - 13 parents’ evenings
Year 9 Curriculum Evening
6th Form Open Evening.

For further information, please don't hesitate to contact us on:


Tel: 0161 980 7173