How can I help my child at Key Stage 3?
- Ensure your child has the correct equipment and they are organised with their homework/planner
- You child will be provided with a KS3 excersise booklet. These excersise books are used for written activities for classwork and homework.
- Encourage and support your child to get involved in extra-curricular drama sessions.
- Help your child when learning lines by practising with them.
How can I help my child at Key Stage 4?
- Ensure your child has the correct equipment and they are organised with their set text and revision guides.
- Your child will be provided with an exercise book in year 10 to complete all theory activities for the academic year.
- Your child will be provided with individual folders for each unit to complete all theory work in year 11.
- To encourage and support your child to attend extra rehearsals and coursework support sessions.
- To help support your practise learning lines with your child.