Wednesday 1st April 2020.
Dear Parents/Carers,
Further to last night’s bulletin where I said I was getting to grips with “Zoom”, thank you to everyone for their offers of support! I’d especially like to thank one of our parents, Mr Wooding, for all his expertise!
Tonight’s bulleting is quite short as I don’t have as much to report.
We have secured a ‘hub’ school for some of our students who need to access provision when we close for a deep clean and essential maintenance 14th -17th April. I would like to thank Stuart Beeley, Headteacher at Wellington for his offer of support. I would also like to thank our wonderful AC staff for volunteering to accompany our students to Wellington that week.
Official Updates
The Department for Education (DfE) has updated its information for parents/carers to include a section on keeping children safe online. It provides links to online resources that will help support parents and carers in keeping their children safe online. Full details can be found in section 6.3 of the guidance for parents and carers on the closure of educational settings:
I will hopefully have more news tomorrow but in the meantime please keep yourselves and your loved ones safe. Kind regards Ms Kim Earle |