Please read:
Dear Parents/Carers,
Many thanks for your patience whilst we aim to resolve the issue with our flat roof. We are currently applying for funding to either replace the roof or replace the building entirely, however we do not expect to hear if we have been successful in our application until around mid-March. A substantial amount of money is required. We have taken every step to ensure your child’s learning is not affected – all areas of school are safe but space is still limited for certain activities. We expect any building work to last several months with the bulk being completed over the summer holiday. No work will commence until after all exams have taken place.
Lockers which were housed in the affected area have now been moved to the main school corridors and students have had access to them from today.
I will keep you updated once I know more, however please thank your child for the way they have coped so admirably with the room changes and one-way systems.
Kind regards
Ms K Earle