Friday 9th October 2020
Coronavirus Bulletin STAY SAFE; STAY ALERT
Dear Parents and Carers,
I’m pleased to report that our AC students have adjusted really well to the restrictions we have put in place to meet Covid H&S regulations. Learning is now starting to resemble life before lockdown which is wonderful to see!
Rising cases
Whilst it is concerning that the number of Covid cases is rising nationally and in Trafford itself, we are seeing very few instances of transmission within schools across the Borough. The biggest age group being affected at the moment is the 17-19 age group and Public Health feel this is due to the fact that this age group are tending to break the Covid ‘rules’ around socialising in the evenings and at weekends.
There have also been several reports of families in Trafford hosting birthday parties, attending events, etc which are breaches of the Covid guidance. I would be most grateful if parents and carers could continue to ensure that social gatherings are not held at home or in the garden and that you do not ‘sanction’ your child/ward doing anything that is outside of the current guidance. Only in this way can we ensure that the spread is slowed down and that positive cases do not enter our school community. We are doing really well at AC so far and I don’t want that to change! Thank you for your support in this matter.
The risks of serious illness in school age children remains very low. To help us keep these numbers low, I must insist that if your child is showing symptoms you keep your child at home, you have them tested and keep them at home whilst awaiting test results. They should only return to school if the test is negative and they are not displaying symptoms. In the season of coughs and colds, a reminder that Covid symptoms are:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- the loss or change of their sense of taste or smell
Please only go for testing if you are symptomatic.
Student Leaders, Head Students
This week’s exciting news is that today we appointed our new Student Leaders and Head Students in Year 11! Candidates were shortlisted from the application stage, then interviews took place followed by their own questions about what the role might entail. As you can imagine, the students did voice their opinions, thoughts and ideas very well!
Head Girl Sophia and Head Boy Matthew were delighted to accept their new roles in school! All our student leaders will now represent our school in a variety of ways, obviously slightly different to the norm given our circumstances. Their role is to serve our school community and to represent the student body at key times in the school calendar. The Head Students’ first job was to interview for a new Pastoral Support Manager this afternoon and they will also form part of the interview panel next week when we interview for a new Head of Business Studies! I would like to congratulate all the successful students and will shortly be inviting them to a SLT meeting to discuss ways in which we can move forward aspects of school provision.
New posts
As mentioned above, today we appointed two new Pastoral Support Managers, Mr Foreman and Ms Waring. We are really looking forward to seeing their skills in action, further supporting our AC students.
Staff Star of the Week
The award this week goes to Ms Bruckshaw! Some of you may have spoken with our new member of staff who joined us during lockdown but who has given 100% in every aspect of her role and Health and Wellbeing Mentor, First Aider and Medicines Administrator. A huge congratulations from all your colleagues Ms Bruckshaw!
Student Star of the Week
The certificate this week goes to TW in Y11! This student did extremely well in the challenge set by Mrs Jones and won the challenge for the amount of effort and hard work she put in during lessons. A real star! Well done TW!
And finally, today would have been John Lennon’s 80th birthday. You may not be a Lennon or Beatles fan but I am sure you would acknowledge his contribution to music over the years. I therefore thought it might be appropriate to mark the day, and the end of this week’s bulletin, with a quote from the man himself:
This weekend, please remind your child/ward to socially distance and wear their masks so that they come back on Monday happy and well.
Stop the Spread! Stay safe!
Thank you for your continued support of our school.
Kind regards
Ms. Earle