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Headteacher's Bulletin

January 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

As I wrote last week, we have had a wonderful start to the Spring Term (with a focus on ‘Spring’ as the mornings are still dark!) – thank you so much for your support in ensuring all our students are ready to learn each day. Mock exams for years 11 and 13 have now started and students are applying themselves very well.


Further to my last bulletin, thank you also for your support with vapes. We have seen a reduction in incidents relating to these items. E-cigarettes are banned from school and if caught vaping in school, outside on the premises or on the school bus and this is reported to us, students will receive a fixed term suspension.

Trafford Council have approved the funding to expand our school by a further 60 places in each year group, starting with Y7 in September 2024 and building up each subsequent year. Our Trust Board now has the final say as to whether we go ahead or not. If you have any views either way, please do let me know by this Friday 20 January via email at:

How did we end the term in December? With Sponge the Teacher!

It's not every day that you get to throw wet sponges at your teachers! We made some dreams come true on 15th December when students enjoyed giving their teachers a thorough soaking!

Thank you to our brave staff who were fantastic sports and helped to raise £116.35 for a great cause.

The Christmas Concert was a traditional event which always attracts many visitors due to the quality of music provided by our students and ably led by Mr Madden and Mr Wilson. Well done to all who took part in helping us all get into the Christmas spirit!

There was an impromptu performance by the staff choir which made everyone smile!

The event raised £177.07 for the Mayor’s Charity! And our Festive Dress Day also raised £826.22 for Save the Children! Thank you for your support.

BBC Share Your Story

At the end of term we also welcomed a very special guest to school - BBC Five Live and Breakfast News presenter Rachel Burden! Broadcast journalist Rachel joined us to inspire students with the story of her career, as part of the BBC’s Share Your Story roadshow, celebrating 100 years of storytelling at the BBC.

Rachel explained to students that story telling is what she does every day on her radio station.  She talked about some of the big stories that she has reported on recently, such as the death of the Queen and the World Cup.  More poignantly, Rachel shared her personal story of how she coped with the heartbreak of losing her brother at a young age.

Rachel told students: "recognise what interests you and nurture your passions as it could lead to a career one day."  For anyone interested in a career in journalism, she advised, "be interested in the world around you and think about what makes news stories interesting."

Thank you to Rachel and the team from BBC Education for visiting us and reminding us of the importance of story-telling. 

And finally, to round off last term…

DofE Award Challenge group update

Congratulations to our Y11 DofE Challenge Group who completed their hiking resilience challenge climbing over Pendle Hill.  Mr Stephenson reported that the students displayed excellent teamwork and problem-solving skills in temperatures as low as -2 degrees! They had a smile on their faces throughout. A big well done from Mr Stephenson!

And now to January….

Careers Update

It’s been a busy 2023 so far for Ms Mitchelmore and the Careers team with lots of exciting events, including:

  • A Year 10 trip to the Limelight Wellbeing Centre organised by Trafford Housing Trust
  • Year 12/13 Manchester University Stroke Healthcare workshop
  • Hospitality sessions with Trafford college and the Marriot V&A hotel
  • Year 11 PHSE lessons with a focus on making post 16 applications, with representatives from Manchester College and Trafford College, plus stands in the lunch hall
  • A ‘university Interview workshop’ for Year 12's and 13's delivered by Katie Muscat from The University of Manchester
  • Mock dentistry interviews for Year 13's

Thank you to Ms Mitchelmore and her team!


Languages visit to the University of Manchester

¡Viva languages!

Twenty of our Year 9 students visited Manchester University last week to take part in a full day of events about languages and where the study of them can take you.  The students enjoyed a break-out session where they had to write and star in their own drama piece, all in Spanish!  They showed lots of creativity and excellent team-work.  In the afternoon they had a lesson in Chinese, learning how to write and speak the language; the lesson was with first year French and Chinese student Anna, who reported that Altrincham College students got further in her lesson than any other school!  Well done to all involved and thank you to Mrs Casey our Languages Development Lead for organising, along with our Governor Ms Bernhardt!

Sixth Form News

We have received a record number of applications to our Sixth Form this year with 210 applications received for 100 places. The vast majority of these are from our own Y11 students and priority will be given to them if they secure the grades needed on entry. The most popular subjects so far are A Level sciences, maths and psychology!

I am very keen that we run a Key Stage 5 Music course and also Drama/Theatre Studies course in September; two subjects which were greatly affected by the pandemic but which are starting to recover now with option numbers at Key Stage 4 picking up. If your child wishes to study either of these subjects post-16, please ask them to come and speak with Mr Madden or Mrs Mrozinski as soon as possible – we can run these courses if we get sufficient numbers.  Let’s keep the Arts alive at AC!!

With the UCAS application January deadline fast approaching, Year 13 students have been working hard on writing their personal statements, and making important decisions about their future.  Students who have already applied have been busy attending interviews with admission tutors and preparing portfolios.  Well done to all those students who have already received offers.

Staff Stars for the last two weeks have been Mr Robinson and Mrs Scholes! Both voted as outstanding by their colleagues for their work ‘over and above the day job’! Thanks to both of you! 

And as my bulletins have now moved to once a month, Student Stars will be crowned once a month, with a special certificate and ‘treat’ presented by me. Like staff, student stars will be nominated by staff for all they do ‘over and above’ the expectations of all our students. I am therefore also asking you to nominate your child for anything which meets the criteria!

Student Star of the Month for January nominations were all boys: Miles L in Year 11 was nominated by Mrs Lunt for his work over and above in Science, Alfie W in Year 9 was nominated by our new Geography teacher, Mrs Revesz for going over and above in her subject too…but the winner for always volunteering to help, being a role model to others and thus setting himself up for a bright future is Jerome W in Year 7!! Well done Jerome! Mr Mohammed especially feels you are an absolute STAR!!

Upcoming events/Dates for the Diary

  • Trip to watch a performance of Noughts and Crosses (18th January)
  • Year 9 options evening (26th January)
  • Sixth Form talk on Student Finance with Manchester Metropolitan University (31st January)
  • Intermediate Maths Challenge Years 9-11 (1st Feb)
  • Year 12 & 13 Parents’ Evening (9th Feb)
  • School closes for February Half Term (9th Feb)
  • Inset Day (10th Feb)

Thank you for your continued support of our school.

Ms K Earle
