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Higher Education

Post-18 options

Higher Education


Altrincham College has excellent links with universities, particularly with local institutions such as: the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Huddersfield, Edge Hill University and UA92.  We work in collaboration in order to inspire our students and provide them with the necessary information to complete a successful UCAS application.  This ranges from organising university visits, delivering workshops and providing guidance on the university application process. 


Widening Participation 

For students who meet the entry requirements, we fully support and encourage them to apply for university widening participation programmes.  Such schemes help students who meet specific background and academic criteria to take their first steps towards higher education.  Examples of such programmes include:

Preparing for Higher Education

Below is a sample of activities, events and sessions designed to inform and educate students about Higher Education. 

Month Year 12

Year 13


Talks on university access programmes. 

Students selected for the Aspire 6 group.

UCAS Refresher and application guidance session
October Post-18 Options 1:1’s

Personal Statement 1:1's

Oxbridge deadline

November Post-18 Options 1:1’s

University interviews session

UCAS assembly: university offers and interviews

Personal Statement 1:1's


Applying to University and Apprenticeships session

University interview practise 1:1

School deadline for UCAS applications


Parents’ Evening (universities present)

EPQ introduction

Student Finance session with MMU

Parents’ Evening (universities present)

February   Student Finance applications open

Work Experience Week

UCAS Exhibition

Deadline for universities to make offers

Post 18 Information Evening (students and parents)

Deadline for responding to offers

UCAS Clearing and Adjustment session – ‘Preparing for Results Day’
June Register with UCAS  

University visits

Personal Statement writing session

Applying through UCAS session

August   A Level Results Day guidance